April 30, 2010

JPL and IMCCE Ephemeris file support added

The latest DRAFT version of GAL 0.6 has been uploaded to the web site. This includes full support for JPL and IMCCE ephemeris files.

These will be the last new features added to version 0.6, work now continues on updating the documentation and fine-polishing the code.

The current DRAFT is quite stable and feedback from users is requested on this version.

Paul, VP9MU

March 8, 2010

GAL Version 0.6.0 pre-release now available

A pre-release of GAL 0.6.0 is now available on the website. Users should note that there have been many changes to the interfaces of a lot of routines. Users should therefore install this version separatly from their current working code.

New in this version:

Status recording sub-library
Osculating to mean keplerian elements conversion
Gravity model file import
Gravity models now encapsulated inside routines
Fixes for c++ compatibility
Data extracts from USSPACECOM Satellite Situation Report
Lots of general housekeeping

The full version of 0.6.0 will be released once the manual has been updated.

Paul, VP9MU