November 3, 2011

Manual moving to LaTex

Work continues, ... the documentation has been ported from Word to LaTex. In reviewing the manual it is clear that some upgrades are needed, these will be addressed in version 0.7 as getting a stable 0.6 release is the priority.

Paul, VP9MU

June 15, 2011

Website is Moving

As Apple are discontinuing the MobileMe service, the project needs to find a new home, and we have.

The GAL project will now be hosted on the AMSAT-BDA web site.

The new website is being constructed as I type, and when complete the existing Apple site will be decommissioned.

So the new address is:

The new contact email address for GAL is now:

Paul Willmott, VP9MU

April 30, 2011

Page redo

I've updated the download page to reflect that 0.6 [DRAFT] is now the preferred version, even though it is not complete.

Version 0.6 has been updated to reflect the new routines and fixes of the December 1, 2010 SOFA release.

Work continues on bringing the Reference Manual up to date, if you spot any errors in the draft then let me know.

On the coding front we're close to a freeze for this release. The object codes need correcting to match NAIF SPICE values, and some of the older routines need re-formatting. Some of the USTRATCOM routines, including SGP4, will need to be changed as a result of the new quasi-JD UTC dates introduced by SOFA last December.

Anyway after two years it looks like version 0.6 will be fixed, hurrah!
